
A Bear Run + Charity Event

Eat, drink, party... while making a difference.

ABF 2013

ABF 2024 is from 7/4/24 to 7/7/24. Most of the events take place at our Host Hotel, where you can eat, drink, shop, party, play, relax.... In other words, be you!

There is something always going on during the day, such as games and competitions around the pool, up-beat music by our DJ, shopping at our vendors' booths, trips to local restaurants.... During the evening, we have trips to local bar so you can dance all night long, participate in competitions, fuel-up with snacks and refreshments at our Bear Cave, just kick back and stay at our Host Hotel, while relaxing, taking a night swim in the pool under the moonlight, or enjoying some cocktails and converstation at our Lounge 120. So go ahead, do as much as you want or as little as you wish.

Oh, one more thing.... We are donating a portion of the proceeds from this event to those in the local community who are in need. So, smile, knowing that you did something good. And be kind, open your arms and heart for some new friends and reconnect with your old ones. After all, life is a bear.

Tentative Schedule

See you soon...

What's Next?

Go get your Event Tickets and reserve your Hotel Room. What are you waiting for?