About Us

Southern Bears

The friendliest bear club in the South.

ABF 2015 and 2017

Southern Bears has been an active club for over 25 years in Atlanta. As a group, we plan many social activities throughout the year for the enjoyment of our members and their guests. We hold monthly movie days, dinners at various local retaurants, bar nights at The Eagle, as well as many other local events and festivals, such as taking part in the Atlanta Pride Parade.

Southern Bears is also proud to hold events to benefit various charities in the area, where we donate both our time as well as money. We like to plan enough events so that members can participate if and when they want and still feel like there are enough things they want to do as a group.

Come join us for our events. We welcome guests at all club activities.

Say "Hi" to our Sponsors

It is impossible to run ABF without the assistance of our sponsors.